Summer Junior Ranger Adventure Squad Camp!

By Shannah Cumberbatch

Shannah Cumberbatch & Elana Mintz

In June, FoKAG welcomed our Junior Ranger Adventure Squad back to the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens for another week-long outdoor camp led by Urban Adventure Squad (UAS). We engaged 21 school-aged kids from Wards 7 & 8 in activities that ranged from birding to pond-dipping to geology and rock formation.

Campers pond-dipping

During the pond-dipping exercise, students were able to witness a bullfrog calling from within the ponds. Ranger Remi educated the campers on the importance of not touching some of our aquatic friends due to oils on our fingers that could harm them. We discussed the lifecycle of a frog and dragonfly  because they are similar in that they start their life cycle in water and transition to adults that can survive out of the water. There were bullfrogs calling and the campers spotted one nearby. Some were excited while others focused on trying to catch and identify the fish swimming nearby.

Shannah examining pond-dipping findings with campers

We closed out summer camp with a pizza celebration where cheese was the crowd favorite over pepperoni (the topping most preferred). FoKAG is proud to continue this partnership with UAS and to see our campers grow into stewards of the park through the Junior Ranger Adventure Squad program as they return year after year. If you or anyone you know has a kid in Wards 7 & 8, then sign up for our newsletter to be in the know for the next round of outdoor exploration!

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