Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is guided by six core values to which it holds its board, staff, programs, and projects accountable and which guide its engagement with partners:
- Stewardship: We are stewards of the Gardens’ natural environment and are dedicated to its preservation and protection for current and future generations.
- Belonging: We consider the Gardens a national, cultural, and community resource for all and strive to ensure access and enjoyment for historically excluded communities.
- Diversity: We seek out and celebrate diverse perspectives and abilities to help us create shared power structures that include everyone equitably.
- Collaboration: We engage in inclusive and equitable partnerships that reflect shared priorities and help strengthen our work and community.
- Anti-racism: We are committed to equity and justice and work to combat structural racism in our programming, partnerships, and work styles.
- Trust: We establish respectful relationships with all stakeholders through transparency, accountability, and honesty.